Monday, 20 May, 2024
Willowdene Farm
Town Name : Chorley, Shropshire


Real valour consists not in being insensible to danger; but in being prompt to confront and disarm it.

Sir Walter Scott

Willowdene Farm has been a premier provider of drug rehabilitation and training since its registration in 1988.

Situated in a rural setting, Willowdene Farm offers males aged between about 20 and 45 years a rounded programme of rehabilitation that sees the issues that led to addiction being tackled and overcome, provides training and equipping for a purposeful, productive future, and offers an environment for personal and social development.

The programme generally runs over a period of 9 months and benefits men who have struggled with drug addiction for a prolonged period, who are genuinely seeking opportunities to overcome their drug dependency, and looking for reintegration into society.

Willowdene Farm offers an inclusive, respectful family atmosphere that encourages personal responsibility, a growing self-worth and a work ethic. A great emphasis is placed on personal growth, social engagement and self-awareness, and both the programme and the physical environment are structured to facilitate this.

For details of our admissions criteria and further advice on securing a placement at Willowdene Farm, please contact us.